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May 28 ‘21

The new fassigroup.com portal is here

Read Time: 2.1 mins

Digital is not virtual. What is virtual simulates reality, but digital is a part of reality. And, now more than ever, the presence of a brand in the context of the digital experience is a strategic, decisive and essential element in the construction of a significant and clear market position.

For this reason, we are dedicating the space of this editorial to present the project of the new official FASSIGROUP.COM portal. This fits in perfectly with the aim of increasing the strength and identity of the FASSI GROUP brand further by using the potential of digital channels.

It is an important project, which has seen us engaged at length in recent months in the definition and development of all aspects of the website: from content architecture to technology, from user experience strategies to graphic design. Many of us have worked on it, with the contribution of a large team that involved all the group brands.

We wanted to give the group even more momentum with a new tool, full of potential, capable of communicating the fundamental elements of our identity loudly and clearly to the broad panorama of international audiences.

This wide audience brings together our large group of stakeholders, our distribution and sales network, all of our human resources, our current customers and, we hope, our prospective customers too.

The new portal has three main objectives: to increase our brand’s recognition and reputation as a corporate group; to develop new opportunities by presenting a varied range of solutions that the entire group can offer the market; and to promote a sense of belonging and sharing among all the members and companies of the group.

This ambitious challenge will require commitment and a constant feed of new content, ideas and solutions to enrich the project over time. Quality content can create a real group narrative, elevated well beyond just commercial and product areas, touching on important issues that are close to our hearts, such as those of innovation, sustainability and safety.

In short, there will be lots of news, insights, case histories and, we hope soon, also a full calendar of events confirming the presence of our brands at international events.

The portal will also be the subject of its own specific launch and promotion strategy that will affect various channels: from visibility on search engines to social ads, to geo-localised enhancement initiatives.

We are at the beginning of a new and important journey that involves us all. Let’s get on the road!


By Redazione Fassi
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