Fassi involved in the retrieval of a vessel

A Fassi F1400AFM.24 crane was decisive in the retrieval operations of the South Korean vessel “Esperanza”, which sunk as a result of a fire while it was docked at a pier in the port of Montevideo. After more than 6 hours of struggling against the flames, the vessel tilted and sank, making the pier unusable for over 13 months. During this period, several unsuccessful retrieval attempts were carried out by companies in the region, until the Uruguayan company Servicios Marítimos took care of the vessel’s recovery and cleared the pier in a little more than a month. The company achieved this feat with the “Titon” vessel, launched just over a year ago and installed with an F1400AFM.24 crane equipped with a winch. The Fassi crane was a crucial piece of equipment used for the retrieval and subsequent placement of important parts of the vessel.

  • Sector Marine and Aquaculture
  • Related company
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